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    B2C Tire Service


    The brand operates within the competitive landscape of the B2C tire service industry, offering customers a convenient online platform to purchase a wide range of tires at competitive prices. As an essential component of the automotive sector, the brand aims to streamline the tire purchasing process and enhance the overall user experience for its customers.


    The client faced hurdles like a clunky tire selection process, outdated design, and a decline in conversion rate. These issues affected user engagement and sales. The task was to design new features, deliver multiple prototypes for testing, enhance user experience, and boost conversions while maintaining the brand’s identity.

    My role

    As a product designer, I led the design of a supplier and installer web portal, implementing new features to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates. Crafting intuitive interfaces and ensuring seamless integration were key to delivering a user-friendly system aligned with business goals and brand identity.

    Success Metrics

    My success was gauged by metrics reflecting enhanced user engagement and conversion rates, including increased platform usage, higher conversions, and boosted sales revenue. Positive feedback from users and stakeholders validated the effectiveness of the implemented features and design improvements.


    During the UX Research phase, I employed a range of methodologies to thoroughly understand user behaviors, preferences, and pain points. This encompassed both qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as conducting in-depth user interviews, designing comprehensive surveys, and analyzing intricate data through analytics tools. These approaches provided a comprehensive view of user needs and expectations, informing our design decisions effectively.

    User interviews were instrumental in understanding the needs, motivations, and challenges of both customers and internal stakeholders, providing valuable insights that informed the design process. Surveys helped gather broader feedback from a larger user base, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of user preferences and expectations.

    Analytics analysis played a crucial role in identifying user patterns and behaviors on the existing platform, highlighting areas of friction and opportunities for improvement. By analyzing metrics such as bounce rates, session durations, and conversion rates, I gained valuable insights into user engagement and interaction with the platform

    Additionally, usability testing was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of design solutions and gather feedback on user interactions. This involved creating prototypes and conducting testing sessions with representative users, allowing for real-time feedback on the usability and effectiveness of the designs.

    Overall, the UX Research phase provided valuable insights that guided the design process, ensuring that the final product met the needs and expectations of users while aligning with business objectives.


    During the Ideation phase, I collaborated closely with the UX lead and team to create innovative user interface designs and prototypes. I helped refine concepts and crafted engaging designs, ensuring they were user-centered and intuitive. Using feedback and data, I guided the team to make informed decisions and worked closely with developers to implement designs seamlessly. Throughout, I stayed updated on industry trends, ensuring our designs remained competitive.

    Product list and Product page

    In enhancing the product list and page, paramount considerations included clarity, efficiency, and user engagement. The product list underwent a transformation with an optimized layout and intuitive filtering options, facilitating seamless navigation and quick product comparisons. On the product page, meticulous structuring of key specifications and customer reviews ensures comprehensive information delivery, augmented by interactive elements like image galleries to enrich user engagement. Usability testing played a pivotal role in refining these user flows, culminating in a streamlined and user-centric experience that significantly boosts user satisfaction and conversion rates.

    Offers and Rebates

    The Offers and Rebates section offers users exclusive deals and savings opportunities. With a focus on clarity and accessibility, users can easily browse through available offers and incentives related to tire purchases. Clear call-to-action buttons prompt users to explore further and take advantage of these deals, enhancing user engagement and driving conversions. Additionally, personalized recommendations based on user preferences ensure relevance and increase the likelihood of users finding offers tailored to their needs. Overall, this section aims to enrich the user experience by providing valuable savings options and incentives.

    Product comparison

    The Tires Comparison feature empowers users to make informed decisions by comparing various tire options side by side. With a user-friendly interface, users can easily view and analyze key specifications, pricing, and user reviews for each tire model. Interactive elements allow for customization, enabling users to tailor comparisons to their specific preferences and needs. This feature streamlines the tire selection process, saving time and effort while ensuring users find the perfect tires for their vehicle. Whether it’s performance, durability, or price, the Tires Comparison tool provides valuable insights to help users make the best choice.

    Shopping cart and installation

    The Shopping Cart feature seamlessly integrates with the Tire Installation Scheduler, providing users with a convenient and efficient experience from selection to installation. Users can easily add desired tires to their cart and proceed to schedule installation at their preferred time and location. Clear prompts guide users through the process, ensuring a smooth transition from browsing to checkout. Additionally, users can view availability and select from various installation options, optimizing convenience and flexibility. This integrated solution simplifies the tire purchasing journey, enhancing user satisfaction and facilitating hassle-free installation.

    Helper prompts

    Update Installation Date and Time: Users can easily modify tire installation details, accommodate schedule changes or select a different appointment slot. Clear prompts and intuitive controls ensure a seamless experience. Useful Info for Shoppers: Equipping users with valuable insights, from tire maintenance tips to FAQs and buying guides, enhances their overall shopping experience. Benefits and Shopping Adviser: Personalized recommendations and expert advice, tailored to specific needs and preferences, guide users toward optimal tire selections.

    Results and takeaways

    My leadership in crafting user-centered designs alongside the UX lead resulted in a notable increase in conversion rates. By advocating for user-centric principles and fostering innovation, we achieved significant improvements in user satisfaction and engagement metrics. Utilizing data-driven insights, we iteratively refined our prototypes through user research and A/B testing, enhancing the overall user experience and driving increased conversions. Collaborating seamlessly with the development team, I ensured the successful implementation of our designs, while establishing and promoting design guidelines for consistency and excellence.

    This project not only yielded tangible improvements but also enriched my understanding of design methodologies, equipping me with valuable skills for future endeavors.